This is the final week of National Clergy Appreciation Month. This blog post is dedicated to those who have been called into various capacities to lead the body of Christ.

We honor you because you give of your lives unselfishly, having great dedication to God, and a heart to serve His people.  We take note and express our gratitude for all of the prayers that you have made on our behalf, for the countless baby dedications, celebration of life services, ordinations, weddings, counseling sessions, putting out fires, deliverance services, in depth study in the word of God, establishing churches, prophetic ministry, leading others to salvation, providing spiritual nourishment, and teaching the body of Christ how to live godly.  We thank God for your great leadership and we ask Him to continue to strengthen, encourage, and guide you along your journey.

Embrace The Following Blessings In God’s Love:

  • May the Lord forever make His face to shine upon you and your family.
  • May you experience abundant life on a daily basis.
  • May you prosper in every aspect of your life.
  • May the glory of the Lord rest upon the ministry which the Lord has given you.
  • May you always be aware of the Lord’s never ending love, forgiveness, and grace.
  • May your thoughts be engulfed with the peace of the Lord.
  • May your future be filled with the success of the Lord.
  • May you always have a congregation that loves, respects, and works with you and your family.
  • May you always live a life that is full of God’s love, and integrity.
  • May you always have great discernment and know who’s laboring among you.



1.  What are your thoughts about National Clergy Appreciation Day?

2.  What is your biggest challenge in being a minister of the gospel?

3.  What brings you the most joy in being a minister of the gospel?