October Is Pastor’s Appreciation Month!

Love + Kindness = Pastor’s Appreciation!


Did you know October is Clergy Appreciation Month?



The month of October is Clergy Appreciation Month and a great opportunity to honor your spiritual leader(s) with a unique, encouraging, and inspirational gift.  It’s a gift that becomes a resource for them to tap into over and over again.


A Few Facts!

National Clergy Appreciation Day is always the second Sunday in October.  This year it will be honored on October 13, 2013. The first time Hallmark offered Clergy Appreciation cards was in 2002. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2012), there are about 44,000 people that serve as Clergy in the United States. The Clergy make up a number of different spiritual leaders such as:

Youth Pastors

Also, according to the Gallup research conducted in 2012 some 77% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. You can be one of the 77% this year to honor your Pastor or Spiritual Leader with a special gift of encouragement titled:


“The Pastor’s Journey”

 Spoken Word CD and/or MP3

 The Pastor's Journey


IMAGINE THIS:  You have been called by God and given a special gift to be a vessel by which He uses you to share His message of Love and Salvation. Your assignment is to fully devote your life to the service of others by:

Leading and guiding them to and through God’s Word
Providing unconditional love
Being available when a need arises
Preparing others for the cares of this life
Ushering them to and through the door of the Christian Way of Life

THEN IMAGINE:  You have developed a personal relationship with God in which you are fighting the good fight of faith through your personal trials.  Meanwhile the enemy continues to roar with great persistency in trying to devour you, your family, and those God has called you to lead.  With all of this you consider it an honor and feel gratitude for this calling and embrace its challenges and rewards.

NEXT IMAGINE:  Sitting down to read your emails and find one from someone you have the privilege to serve.  You open the email to discover a unique appreciation gift with a link to an mp3 download titled “The Pastor’s Journey.”  As you begin to listen you find that the words and the music are amazingly inspiring and encouraging with an anointing that soothes your spirit as you listen.  As the word of encouragement concludes you feel such a renewed feeling of gratitude for your calling by God and truly blessed by the person that sent you the email.

NOW IMAGINE:  You are the one that sent this email to your Pastor.


What Is The Pastor’s Journey?

The Pastor’s Journey is an anointed word of encouragement given by divine inspiration which captures the very essence of what God has spoken to the hearts of Pastors and those in leadership.  It is a special spoken word message combined with an instrumental song titled, “The Journey,” which ministers encouragement, inner healing, and peace.  The Pastor’s Journey provides an atmosphere of inspiration and a sense of renewal for the very special calling of those serving as leaders in the body of Christ.


Listen to a clip of the Pastor’s Journey Now!


[ca_audio url_mp3=”https://www.theangelicpen.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Soundclip_of_The_Pastors_Journey.mp3″ url_ogg=”” download=”false” align=”center”]


Order The Pastor's Journey Now


What Is The Benefit For Your Pastor?

The Pastor’s Journey provides an anointed environment of peace, reflections, rejoicing, and encouragement. Some Of The Ways The mp3 Can Be Used:

Usher in the presence of God
Daily part of prayer
Before daily study of the Word of God
Deep time of meditation with the Lord
Before Sunday sermons or teachings
During a challenging day or trial
Method of receiving inner healing
Soaking music to listen to while making journal entries

What About The Authors?


Kimberly and Michael Smith Ministers Kimberly and Michael Smith are an inspirational couple who have been lifting up the name of Jesus for more than 20 years. Kimberly is an anointed woman of God.  She is full of the love and compassion of Christ.  The Lord uses her mightily in intercession, counseling, and encouraging others thereby bringing hope to what seemed to be hopeless situations.   She is an inspirational writer in which the majority of her writings are prophetic in nature and have brought inner healing to many.

Michael is a profound preacher and teacher of the word of God.  He is an anointed Psalmist, often singing prophetically as the Spirit of the Lord leads.  He arranges and composes music as well.  Audiences are captivated by the presence of God whenever he sings, or plays the keyboard.  God always imparts into the lives of His people and they leave attesting to the fact that “surely the presence of the Lord has been in this place.”  Kimberly and Michael are both graduates of Wilberforce University.  They currently reside in Florida.

The Inspiration for Writing “The Pastor’s Journey”

“The Pastor’s Journey” was birthed out of a vision that the Lord gave me.  In the vision I felt like I was sitting in a large room that was filled with Pastors.  In that space of time God allowed me to feel their pain, their struggles, their fears, and even their longing to please Him.  I transferred what I experienced in my spirit into writing, and thus became “The Pastor’s Journey.” One day, my husband had just finished playing an anointed song on the keyboard that the Lord had just given him.  With excitement in his voice, he told me that the name of the song was “The Journey.”  When I heard the song, I knew that it was another masterpiece inspired by God.  And I knew that God wanted this couple that He had joined together in marriage nearly 25 years ago to put these two inspired creations together and bless all who would hear them!

Minister Kimberly L. Smith

Kimberly L. Smith, Author

SPECIAL NOTE:  Although this special project was originally intended for pastors, many have been blessed by it.  You’ll want to listen to it over and over again.  Allow the words and music to take you on a journey right into the presence of the Lord.

 Order Now

If you have a problem ordering or using them you can contact us at 352-639-0793 or send an email to customercare@theangelicpen.com


Don’t Let Pastor’s Appreciation Month Pass You By This Year!

Order Today!


What Are Others Saying?


“The Pastor’s Journey” is an exceptional resource for refreshing and recharging any Christian leader. It shrinks the loneliness and prompts a sigh of relief that “somebody understands.” This anointed spoken word presentation is accompanied by very appealing music that seems to lift one’s attention to a whole new level. For me, it was a truly enlightening experience that produced a deep appreciation for my pastor and the things he endures.  “I could not hold back the tears.”

Annetta P. Lee Christian Author, Speaker, and Teacher,  Oklahoma, City, Oklahoma


“One of the things I do is to try to keep an atmosphere of peace in my home and office at all times, you can do that through playing worship music or spending time in prayer and worship. Recently someone introduced me to a cd called THE PASTOR’S JOURNEY  It is the word of God spoken, softly with music in the background.  It also creates a powerful atmosphere of peace. This is an awesome cd, or you can get it in MP3 format and have it right away. I would recommend this mp3 or cd to all our readers.  There is nothing more powerful than speaking the word of God over your life in this manner. It is a very small investment and will cultivate an atmosphere of peace as well as keep your mind on God.  Check it out today!”

Kim Potter, A New Thing Ministries, Dayton, TN  


“I love your CD!  You and your husband have an awesome cross-pollination of anointing on this CD.  The Words You’ve Crafted under the Anointing, and the TOTALLY COOL MUSIC SOUNDSCAPE spoken by his Rich Deep Bass Vocal Chords.  Love the synergy of the anointed spoken word and the Holy Spirit soundscapes.  Since we live in a voice activated universe, I feel that the marriage of sounds and words have at a cellular level (atomic, sub-atomic level) the power to bring change: Blessings, Curses, Fig trees withering and dying, and Mountains being moved!”

Virgil B. True, Franklin, Tennessee


This Spoken Word CD is clearly for soothing a wounded soul and a discouraged heart. This word speaks to your spirit man to stand strong and to continue to receive the mysteries which only God can reveal to His people. It challenges every believer to weather the storm as they travel. This CD is not just for pastors and leaders but for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and King of their lives. I invite you to come and partake in this journey. This Spoken Word clearly soothes a person’s heart that has been in circumstances that contradict or grieve the Holy Spirit. Its speaks of God’s tender love, compassion, and strength confirming that our victory is steadfast.

Denise Mitchell, Intercessor, Supervisor, Cleveland, Ohio  


“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;’ (Ephesians 6:18-19).  Even the Bible supports the value of music and song in the overall spiritual well-being of the believer.  In the Old Testament book of I Samuel chapter 16 verse 23, we are told that when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. The fact is that music plays an important part in the lives of people in many ways and that includes the Christian.

I learned early in my Christian walk, while singing in the church choir, concerning the importance of music to the overall ministry, in that it sets the tone for the Word of God to come forth, to be preached. As a pastor, I value quiet and meditation time, especially before the beginning of a worship service, Sunday-school and even prayer service.

Personally, music helps me greatly during this time as I prepare to go before God and his people for whatever the reason.  But, as I believe, everyone knows, it cannot be just any piece of music.  It must be the right music, with the right tone, the right word(s), the right beat, even the right voice and message.  The CD, “The Pastor’s Journey”, provides all of that for me. The CD was acquired for me quite some time ago.

The first time I played it was in my home.  Often, I find that I must listen to a piece of music several times before I decide if it is for me.  This piece I knew from the very first playing.  I know this because the first time I played it, I started the CD player and walked away as I usually do with new music, expecting after hearing bits of it, it would be the normal, “oh well”.  But not so, I found myself returning to the room where the CD was playing and listening intently to the music and the message. Over 90% of the services at our church begin with the playing of this CD.  Those arriving after me but before the beginning of a service can attest to that.

There have been others that have given me CD’s or tapes because they know of my routine, but none have equaled or replaced “The Pastor’s Journey”.  And so, I leave you with this.  If there is anyone that can do anything to make this gift better known and available to other Christians, they will endeavor to do a good work.  I bid you God speed.

With The Love of Jesus the Christ,

Pastor Leroy S. Chandler, Micanopy, Florida


My name is Brenda Rice. I am married to Seamon M. Rice, Jr. We live in Henderson, NC; where he is the Founder and Pastor of New Covenant Faith Ministries. The Lord is good and continues to connect us with such wonderful brothers and sisters in the faith such as Michael and Kimberly Smith. I am so elated to have the opportunity to comment on The Pastor’s Journey CD. I remember my first time hearing it; the music was a blessing to my soul and lifted my spirit! I literally was unable to sleep because I was so moved by the heavenly musical sound coupled with words of inspiration, and the Holy Scripture.

The combination of uniquely fusing the two together can be described as prophecy in music. The divine guidance and the influence of Holy Spirit can be felt and experienced through the entire project. Let me be the first to encourage those who are not Pastors to listen to this CD as well.

The Pastor’s Journey is for everyone who senses the need to be revived and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.  This anointed CD has been a blessing to several of my friends, family members, homemakers, teachers, lawyers, and members of our church. A job well done!!!”

Brenda Rice Minister/ Psalmist,  Henderson, N.C.


The Pastor’s Journey inspires us each time we hear it. It is such an anointed project and is sure to bless each listener.”

Wilma Rogers Way2Be Music International, Alachua, FL


“The Pastor’s Journey”

 Spoken Word CD and/or MP3

 Large CD cover October Is Pastors Appreciation Month!

Order YOURS Today!