“Bringing in the Sheaves, we shall come rejoicing…”


Many of you may remember the old spiritual song titled “Bringing in the Sheaves.”  The chorus was simply, “bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves.”

When I was a young child and would hear people sing this song they seemed to have such joy in doing so but, I would always wonder what in the world sheaves were and why were they so happy about bringing them in.

Later, I found out that sheaves related to harvest.  Sheaves are any bundle, cluster, or collection.  Now it made perfectly good sense why those people were singing that song so heartily!  It wasn’t until after they had sown good seeds into fertile ground, waited for the results of their labor to actualized, that they could collect the fruit of their labor.

This famous song comes from Psalm 126 which affirms the fact that our God is the God of multiplication and of restoration.  In other words, He knows how to make things blossom where there seemed to be nothing happening.  He also knows how to make things brand new and better than we ever dreamed possible.

 “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”  Psalm 126:5 KJV

There are all kinds of seeds that can be sown such as, love, kindness, monetary, time, service, and yes even tears.  It is so powerful how the Lord looks at our tears as seeds.  The New International Version of the Bible says, “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.”  Wow, what a trade off!

In other words where you have given God your tears, faith, hope, patience, long suffering, expectation, anticipation, etc. the Lord promises that it is not in vain.  You may have labored in prayer over circumstances in your own personal life.  You may have cried many tears regarding a loved one’s release from bondage, and pain.  Be assured that the Lord has heard every one of your prayers and caught every tear.  Restoration will come.  Those things that you have prayed for will come to pass in the manner that God deems best for you.  He always wants what’s best for His children and He knows just how to deliver the answers that will cause you to reap much joy.

You too will begin to sing songs of joy, and gratefulness because your Heavenly Father has proved Himself once again!   The Holy Spirit will begin to remind you of different songs, the words will be so victorious until you will find yourself vocalizing those words through singing.  At this point, it matters not whether you can sing like the angels or like the most popular vocalist of all time. Take some time to celebrate the miracle working power of God and His blessing of abundance.  Just make a genuine, grateful, joyful sound unto the Lord!




1.  Did you know that God knows how to interpret your tears?  He understands what each tear represents whether the tears are rolling down your face, or bottled up inside of you.


2.  Sometimes the Lord provides the evidence of answered prayer immediately but, many times there is a waiting period just as there is a waiting period between sowing seeds and reaping a harvest.  How do you make it through the waiting period?


3.  Once that waiting period is over and your answered prayers are now a part of your every day life, what joyful songs would relay your gratitude?


4.  The Lord loves you and He loves hearing what’s in your heart.  If you were to create a song to the Lord what would it say?  Go ahead and put your own melody to it and sing to your Heavenly Father.


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