“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” ~ Isa 30:21 NIV

This is a simple reminder of what I originally called you to do. Go forth, be strong, and diligently seek Me for I will be your personal rock that will never break. I promise that I will hold your hand and have your back all at the same time. I will never send you anywhere without My Spirit going with you. I reiterate, I will never send you anywhere without My Spirit going with you.

Please receive that deep within your spirit and let it consume your thoughts.
You’re on My team and I know that You can succeed because I called you before
the foundations of the world to be one of my awesome leaders in the earth. So
you see, you can fulfill this challenging call because you were built for this. I
know, I am the Master Creator and I created you.

Yes My dear child, I know that things get heavy at times but, may I remind you
that you can always come to Me at the initial onset of a problem. Don’t try to fix
it on your own. You need My counsel and direction. Do this and You will see that
I am your burden bearer and that I am very capable of making crooked places
straight and turning desert places into an oasis. So walk with full assurance
knowing that I am the One who called you, and that I have chosen vessels that
eagerly await My words of life flowing from you.

When you hear that still small voice, and feel that gentle nudge to continue on in
Your calling, know that it is My Spirit encouraging you to press in and follow Me.

“This is the way; walk ye in it.”


© 2013 by Kimberly L. Smith


FREE EBOOK! 5 Ways God Encourages His Pastors

5 Ways God Encourages His Pastors

This intimately written eBook is as if God Himself were speaking directly to encourage His Pastors. 

5 inspiring ways God reminds Pastors that they are honored for the person that He has called them to be and that their labor is not in vain.

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